Tamil Folk Music
Nathaswaram, Veena, Violin, Flute, Harmonium and keyboard grade exams are designed to evaluate a student's proficiency in playing the instrument, including technical skills, musical interpretation, and knowledge of music theory.
Grade - 2
PRACTICAL - Musical instruments playing methods
Thamukku (one side drum) playing method
Parai music method
Pambai playing method
Urumi music instrument playing method
Supporting music instruments playing method
General Features of Tamil Folk Music
Chindu isai and its forms
Themmangu music verities
Naiyaandi music verities
Koothu songs and its music
Grade - 1
Kummi chantham like –“ Thana Thannai Thana Thannai”
Oyil kummi chantham
Field work song and music
Kummi – songs 2
Field work song – 2
Introduction to Tamil Folk Music
Regional identities
Notation of the line (chantham)
Form of sounds (solkattu)
Pinpattu (chorus) and it varieties.
Grade - 3
PRACTICAL - Musical instruments playing methods
Themmangu songs – 2
Nettu ( izhuvai Themmangu) themmangu songs – 2
Kavadichindu – 2
Vazhinadai sindu songs – 2
Kolai sindu songs -2
Leather (Thol Vathiyam) music instruments
Pipe music instruments
String music instruments
Supporting music instruments
Voice culture and practice
Koothu songs and its music
Grade - 4
PRACTICAL - Musical instruments playing methods
Themmangu songs – 2
Nettu ( izhuvai Themmangu) themmangu songs – 2
Kavadichindu – 2
Vazhinadai sindu songs – 2
Kolai sindu songs -2
Leather (Thol Vathiyam) music instruments
Pipe music instruments
String music instruments
Supporting music instruments
Voice culture and practice
Koothu songs and its music
Grade - 5
PRACTICAL - Musical instruments playing methods
Kuravan kurathi dance songs
Musical plays (zai Nadakam) (Sri Sangaradoss drama songs)
Oyil dance songs and tunes ( 2 songs)
Music and songs formation methods
Celebrating songs
Folk ballads
Irban folk ballads
Applied folk music and songs
Grade - 6
PRACTICAL - Musical instruments playing methods
Kuravan kurathi songs – 2
Therukkoothu songs – 2
Naladi and themmangu songs – 2
Kavadi sindu songs – 2
Kanni form of songs – 2 (from Kutralakkuravanchi)
Folk songs of dances common features
Form of tunes in songs of dances
Koothu songs (therukkoothu and kattabommu)
Techniques of folk songs and tunes
Koothu songs and its solakattukal
Grade - 7
PRACTICAL - Musical instruments playing methods
Music Notation of Tamil Tribes music and songs
Music instruments of tribal
Folk music and tribal folk music – comparative study introducing level
Folk music and Tamil pan comparative study introductory level
Folk music and classical relativity music ( carnatic music) study on introductory level
Introducation of Tamilpan and its varieties
Classical songs – introduction level
Western music – introduction latest music and musicians.
Folk – classical – introduction of comparative study of understanding
Semi folk
Grade - 8
PRACTICAL - Musical instruments playing methods
Voice culture (various songs wise)
Bharathiyar folk touch songs – 3
Bharathidasan songs – 3 (from Isai Amudu)
Sri Sankaradadoss Swamigal songs – 3 ( from various dramas)
Applied songs (Political and Health) – 3
Children's playing songs
Youth women's playing songs
Ritual songs (2 only)
Applied songs