In drawing and painting, grade exams are typically evaluated based on technical skills, creativity, and understanding of color theory and composition. These exams are designed to evaluate a student's proficiency in various aspects of drawing and painting, including technical skills, creativity, and understanding of color theory and composition.
Drawing & Painting
Pre Grade
Dirceting the students to break up the images they want to draw to squares,circles,triangles.Making students understand that more complex forms too can be put together using these basic shapes and forms.Encouraging students to see even complex shapes and forms part by part first and see them as a whole.We will encourage them to see comparative sizes,angles and distances of the shapes when putting them together images.
Since the appearing students age varies from 4 to 14 for Pre-grade,we suggest that they be trained with teachers exercises before they start Bridge exercises.Submission and examination works quality consideration will be based on age for pre-grade and grade -1
Grade - 2
Still life study of various geometric, organic and common objects with light , shade and texture.
Study form in light, shade and reflected light. Space between and around objects, negative and positive space.
One-point, two-point, three-point perspective, Bird's eye view etc.
Creating Patterns using geometrical and biomorphic motifs and graph paper.
Grade - 1
Students will get hands on experience of handling pencils and making studies of different techniques. An understanding of lights and shades using various basic shading techniques can be attained.
Several exercises using dots suggesting motion, depth, direction.
Different types of lines–thick, thin, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curve, spiral, wavy and zigzag lines. Basic shapes, combinations and extensions.
Shading using different kinds of soft pencils and different texturing techniques.
Using gradations of gray to create an illusion of Light and shade and levels of planes.
Grade - 3
At this stage extensive study of color through still life and landscape studies is introduced. Foreground, middle or main ground and background and their colors have to be understood.
Color wheel, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary colors. Understanding warm colors, cool colors and neutral colors.
The meaning of Hue, value and intensity.
Handling gradations of color, Understanding tints, shades and tones.
Understanding 'light and shade' and perspective using colors.
Using poster colors and water colors.
Grade - 4
Understanding structure, proportion and light and shade of human head. Study of structural light and shade of individual parts of human head.
Structure and proportions of human head of adults, children and aged.
Overall shading of an adult head. Practicing 3/4th and profile.
Individual parts of a face in various angles.
Basics of distortion for caricature.
Grade - 5
Understanding structure, proportion and light and shade of human body. Study of structural light and shade of individual parts of human figure.
Practicing proportions and light and shade of human body.
Understanding drawing and rendering of various parts of male, female and child's body structure.
Postures and light and shade effects.
Grade - 6
Understanding colour, light and shade and atmosphere in our surroundings.
Points to remember in drawing landscape and seeing objects as colour and painting them.
Painting what we see in still life.
Drawing and painting birds and animals.
Watercolour and pastel methods for landscape and still life.
Grade - 7
Motivating and encouraging students to use the knowledge and skills gained though these six grades to be creative and find ways to do what they like most. Students will be provided with reference material for practice from various sources and on varied themes. Students can choose their own desired themes and work on them. The students can take the help of their grade teachers to complete assignments. Added to this, the academy will conduct workshops in several centres at necessary interval to help students. Demonstration videos will also be available with teachers on wide variety of subjects. If a special video consultation is needed with an expert, a conference call too can be arranged. End of term submission will have minimum of ten paintings in at least one each in watercolour, poster colour, oil colour, acrylic colour and colour pencils or pastels. Two old masters' paintings should be copied in any medium which will be counted in the above mentioned ten. The subjects can be Landscapes, Still life, Seascapes, Buildings, Humans, Birds, Animals, Plants etc. You can choose any theme you want to work on for each work. It is always a good idea to have visual reference for our works. Even the old masters depended on reference. The work should always have a relevant background and proper lighting. Along with this, submit the rough sketches for each painting, inspiration material and a brief write-up on why the particular subject was chosen for each painting. Examination will be conducted for 6 hours of one day. The subject for the examination will be chosen by the candidate and the medium and size of the painting will be prescribed by the Bridge Academy Examiners.
Grade - 8
To guide the student to choose a theme for basic research to find out the origin of a chosen Genre and trace the development of the genre till our times and write a dissertation. The student will be guided by a teacher of their own choice. Periodic guidance and review will be undertaken by the Bridge academy chosen experts. During the submission of the dissertation, the student will submit seven original paintings showing the highlights of the research. An original painting of the candidate's choice will be executed in six hours on the day of the exam. This painting should not be a copy of the submitted paintings though it can be of the same style. A viva will be conducted based on the submissions and exam work which will decide the final grading of the course.